WorkNow Media

Facebook Ads Management

Facebook ads account for ~20% of global digital ad spending. It is also known as one of the best platform to market on with amazing ROI. With this platform, you have an enormous opportunity to reach your customers where they're hanging out online.

What We Do? (In Summary)

Our team of social media advertising experts will help plan your marketing based on cost per sale or lead that you need to hit in order to maximize your profitability.

We'll design your ads, set up your campaigns, analyze the data regularly and optimize performance to increase revenue and leads over time.

Facebook ads can be the most profitable channel for our clients due to the huge number of potential customers that are spending a lot of time on the platform. In addition, many engaged shoppers are making purchase decisions based on research and recommendations they find on Facebook.

Our Approach To Facebook Ads Management

Contrary to many belief, running a Facebook ads campaign is not easy. It actually takes a lot of thought and analysis to drive consistent, high-quality traffic to your website that will scale your business.

While we are the specialists in advertising background and technical know-how, we know every business is unique. Our team will take the time to understand what is it that your business do and how you make money. We’ll spend the time to research your industry and understand (deeply) your customers and how to best appeal to them while they’re on social media sites.

Unlike Google Ads Search Campaigns, social media ads on Facebook are almost entirely visual. Our graphic designers team will create beautiful ads from scratch, keeping in mind the specific requirement of each social media platform. We’ve even helped our clients to create video ads to be used on Facebook. And of course, we’ll create multiple variations of each ad so we can split test them to achieve better performance while decreasing the cost per conversion over time.

Social Media Advertising on Facebook have many different types of campaign objectives. There’s no shortage of ways to show your ads to your potential customers. However, how you set up your campaigns will be the most important aspect of a successful campaign. Luckily, we have the experience to help you get off on the right foot. Once your campaigns are live, we’re constantly testing new targeting methods based on what the campaign data is telling us.

Businesses that are most successful with Facebook advertising are the ones that read and analyze their campaign data, spotting trends and patterns that showcase opportunities to strive. Our team takes the time and effort to analyze the data from your live campaigns, using your performance results to optimize every element of your account. We work on improving campaign and ad group structure while designing new ads to avoid “ad fatigue”. Most importantly, we’re using the data to test new ideas and strategies that will maximize your ROI.

What's In Our Facebook Ads Management?

Whether your budget is dedicated to Facebook or allocated to other social media ad networks like Google, we've got you covered with a wide range of professional agency management.

Targeting Audience with Precision & Multiple Campaign Types

Our client's products and services are not meant for everyone. Chances are, neither are yours. Social Media advertising enables us to show ads to the people who you know are in the market for the products and services you sell.

During your 15 mins Discussion:

  1. We’ll discuss your business and marketing goals.
  2. How our strategies and framework can be integrated to your business.
  3. We’ll help you to better understand your problems and provide you with unique solution to grow your business.

Note that during the trial period, all of our services will be completely free. Advertisement expenses (i.e Facebook ads) need to be covered by your business.

*Due to overwhelming response, we will be serving everyone on a first come first serve basis. Please fill up the form to be added into the waiting list.


Claim a Free Trial with us

We'll get back to you within a day to schedule a quick 15 mins discussion with you. We can also communicate via email if that's easier for you.

Your information will be kept private. We won’t ever sell it and we wont’t ever spam you. We hate spam email as much as you do.

Based on the details of your inquiry, we’ll route your request to the right team here at WorkNow Media. We know that there are plenty of competent digital advertising agencies out there (lots of them), so it means a lot to us that you’re considering us as your marketing partner.

Motto: We aim to establish a long working relationship with you.